Today we had another long day of classes, ending at 3:30. Afterwards a few of us decided to go to the market in Sangolqui, the biggest close town, just a few minutes down the street by bus. We asked a few people and found it – there are several streets all lined with stalls. Some of the vendors just carry their stuff around in bags and call out at shoppers. One guy even spoke to us in English, something like “good shoes, American, buy, babies.” (Actually, earlier today a guy on the bus to school said “excuse me, thank you” when he got off since he had to go by me. So far people have only tried their English on me when I’m with other SIT students though, and not many Ecuadorians know much besides basic elementary school English.)

Sangolqui also has a big church. It has a lot of gruesome Jesus statues and the walls and ceiling are blue. The candles people donate money to light (I can’t remember what the word is) are thin long ones that they just place on a metal tray. They only stand up since they are melted at the bottom. I haven’t seen that before; usually they are votive candles (is that what you call the little ones?) or there are candle holders.
Today was my first day taking the bus home by myself and it was fine. I talked to the guy next to me about what I was studying and things.
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